FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1) How do you determine the number of words?

We use the "word count" tool available in word-processing programmes. Title pages and references are not included. Any English text within tables and figures will be checked for spelling but will not be included in the word count. Text in the legends of tables and figures, however, will be counted and edited.

2) Will the documents, emails, and payments I submit be secure?

Yes. If you are paying by credit card from our
Payment page, the PayPal site you are directed to is secure.

3) Do you guarantee confidentiality of the contents of my submission?

Yes. Complete confidentiality is assured. Please see
Your privacy.

4) Do you edit and format references?

The accuracy and formatting of references and citations within the text are the responsibility of the authors.

5) Should I send my figures even though they have no text on them?

The figures may help us to understand what you are saying in the text, but sending figures is not a requirement.

6) My manuscript has more than five files, but your page for submitting files can only send five. What should I do?

If many of the files are figures, you can group them into a single file with a programme for slide presentations such as PowerPoint or Keynote, or as a pdf file. Alternatively, you may fill in the "Submit files" page again, adding more files with each submission.